Common Questions
Who should I contact if I see a problem?
Contact our onsite Caretakers:-
Bernadette on 0405 039 041
or Paul on 0448 740 484
or email them at
When are levies due and how should I pay?
Levies are struck annually at the body corporate's Annual General Meeting for the financial year 1 September to 31 August.
The levy invoices are issued quarterly in advance about a month before the due date for payment on the invoice.
They are issued with a 20% discount if paid before the due date.
The levy invoice confirms that the payment is to be deposited to the body corporate's bank account detailed on the invoice.
What are the Body Corporate By-Laws?
Who are the current executive committee members?
Chairman Byron Rabone 07 3620 7300
Secretary/Treasurer John Gilliland 0416 054 881
How do I obtain a Disclosure Statement?
Email your request to your Body Corporate Administrator at
How am I informed of upcoming members' meetings?
Your Secretary will email an invitation to attend a General Meeting with an agenda for determination at the meeting.
What is the Cathedral Place Community Body Corporate?
Cathedral Village body corporate is a member of the Cathedral Place Community Body Corporate.
The community body corporate manages the visitors' carpark.
You can contact its Secretary and Caretaker at
Which Acts govern the body corporate?
Cathedral Village BUP 106957 is registered under the Building Units and Group Titles Act.
The Cathedral Place Community Body Corporate is registered under the Mixed Use Development Act.
The site is controlled by a Development Approval DA 253/31/1-3449/97. View the DA by Clicking on this link.